Club Mara operates the sewage treatment plant governed by strict legislation as detailed in our Sewage Permit.
To aid in the sewage treatment process, it is important we all do our part to use septic friendly/phosphorus free products. Use no phosphate dish soap, dishwasher soap, laundry detergent, bath products, and cleaners.
Avoid harsh chemicals such as bleach, drain cleaner and toilet cleaner.
Do not flush pharmaceuticals, solvent or paint.
Certain items when flushed into the sewer system can cause serious and expensive damage to the lift station pumps.
Do not flush paper towels, baby wipes, personal wipes, cleaning wipes, disposable diapers, feminine hygiene products, dish cloths, dental floss, anything plastic or similar non-biodegradables.
The sewer system is designed for toilet paper and human waste only!
Water Conservation
The Club Mara Sewage Permit states the park must take all reasonable measures to ensure that the consumptive use of water is minimized by utilizing all appropriate water conserving devices throughout the facility.
We are required to direct owners to restrict their water usage when possible and use water-conserving and/or high efficiency devices. If you are changing your taps, toilets, shower heads, dishwashers or washing machines, please consider replacing them with water saving, energy efficient products. Do not let taps run unnecessarily. Water outdoors responsibly.
Water conservation and phosphorus levels are everyone responsibility. Please remind your family and friends of our sewer system requirements and place signage in your washrooms as needed.